A big part of what we like to do here at The MAC is to get unwanted craft materials to the community. We do this in several different ways:

The Thrifter: This is an unladyied thrift store that has only art/craft materials. This is pay as you can- take what you need system. There is a donation box in the room and you are welcome to donate straight to the box!

• The Craft Cabinet: This is a large cabinet out front our shop- materials are freely shared in this space whenever we can get a volunteer to fill it! Materials in this cabinet are free for the taking!

• Craft Kits: We make all kinds of craft kits! Some are for sale and some are made to be donated to the community~ We donate them to Ms. Laura for her Blessing Boxes (which goes WAY out into the community and surrounding communities) We will give them away on the bus.

Here is one list on Amazon that has materials we can always use at the shop.
We can always use:
Toilet Paper
Hand Soap (unsented)
Paper Towels
Paint Brushes

At this time we can not take:
Ceramic Tiles
Christmas Decorations

Please bring your donations on Wednesdays - during our open hours : 10am to 4pm