Below is the list of stops Ms. Sarah has set thus far!
We can use help setting up (1/2 hour before) and breaking down (1/2 hour after) and during the event! Please sign up below!
• Hartford Public Library • Tuesday June 25 • 5-7pm
• Roxana Library • Thursday June 27 • 10am to 12pm
• Beatles Fest • Saturday September 7 • 12-3pm
• Brighton Farmers Market Schneider Park (Sponsored by : Marillac Mission Fund) • Saturday September 12 • 4-6pm
• Stonington Public Library • Saturday September 25 • 1:45pm to 3:45pm
• Medora ( Sponsored by : Marillac Mission Fund) • Saturday September 25 • 1:45pm to 3:45pm
• Carlinville Square • Saturday September 28 • 9am to 2pm
Ms. Sarah will be jetting around towns with the Art Bus. We are hopeful that Friends will volunteer to stand at a table and hand out brochures while Ms. Sarah teaches art.
Wanna volunteer? Sign up by clicking on one of the buttons below!
Below, you will find in-depth breakdowns of each volunteer position.
Click on the title of the position you are interested in and fill out the form! We will get back to you within 1 week.
Daily Volunteer Needs:
Shop Greeter: This position consists of simple, non-strenuous [mostly seated] activities. Great for those who want to help out but are unable to be physically active or for low-energy days! Shop greeters will be…
Answering phone calls/taking messages
Greeting walk-in friends and answering basic questions
Special projects when needed (e.g. sorting, class/event supplies preparation, etc.)
Shop Attendant: This position consists of simple, non-strenuous, but active tasks. great for those wanting to volunteer and stay active without all the heavy lifting. Shop attendants will be…
Completing task list of basic daily/weekly cleaning duties (e.g. sweeping, dusting, trash, etc.)
Special cleaning/organizing projects when needed (e.g. sorting/putting away donations, wiping down totes, general organization, etc.)
Weekly/Monthly Volunteer Needs:
Shop Custodian: This position consists of simple, active, possible heavy-lifting activities. Great for those who wish to volunteer and are able to be more physically active. Shop custodians will be…
Completing task list of weekly/monthly cleaning duties (e.g. restroom, mopping, windows, etc.)
Special Projects when needed (e.g. event prep, supplies prep, organization, etc.)
Lifting and moving of boxes to/from basement or storage when needed
Shop Courier: This position requires a vehicle and driver’s license. Simple, active, possible heavy-lifting activities. Great for those who wish to volunteer and are able to be more physically active.
Take donations to other local organizations (e.g. HIS Service station, Helping Hands, etc.)
Pick up MAC donations from local friends
Pick up supplies from local businesses
Other Volunteer Opportunities!
Event Volunteer: Every event, no matter the size, needs volunteer power to be successful. We need people of all abilities for most events. Even if you don’t see something in this list you can/want to do, let us know! I am sure there is something that we need that suits your abilities and expertise! Event volunteers could be involved in a myriad of ways…
Advertising, gathering of materials/donations/sponsorships/etc.
Event Day
Set up/tear down
Hourly event day shifts (e.g. help patrons/artists, collecting donations, staffing event stations, etc.)
Artists to volunteer their services for demos/classes/etc.
Community Outreach Volunteer: As a non-profit organization, we strive to make as many community connections as possible. This position requires a sociable person who is comfortable with reaching out to/visiting local organizations and businesses. A community outreach volunteer will be…
Making connections with other local organizations, schools, colleges, libraries, and businesses. How can we help them? How can they help us? What can we accomplish together? We can create a packet that helps you facilitate these conversations.
Advertising of events, classes, and upcoming community projects.
Distribution of seasonal calendar of events/MAC information pamphlets to local places and online.
Online Presence Volunteer: This position requires internet access and an appropriate device, fluency in social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok), website design/maintenance (Squarespace), and over the age of 17. An online presence volunteer will be…
Posting classes to the website:
Format raw class information in MAC style
Create/link a page on the website for each grouping of classes by instructor
Create/post a stunning image for each class (Canva/Spark)
Posting classes to social media:
Create FB event (pull class image and info from website)
Schedule posts for each event you create (2 per week until the event date)
Share to other social media platforms where applicable
Website maintenance:
Ensure everything is up to date
Proofread/Edit where needed
Double-check all dates/time for classes/events
Ensure all products are correctly labeled
Ensure all links for the registrations are working and correctly labeled
Social media maintenance (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok)
Ensure everything is up to date
Proofread/edit where needed
Double-check all dates/time for classes/events
Ensure all products are correctly labeled
Ensure all links for the registrations are working and correctly labeled