
Expressive Arts:
for Retirees and Seniors 

The MAC is happy to offer an ongoing artistic expression group for retirees and seniors on Thursdays 10:30a to 12:30p. Our goal is to provide a safe space for seniors to forge a community, maintain friendships, artistic self-discovery, and break through the isolation of daily life.

The group will decide what THEY want to learn and develop based on everyones’ interests. This will allow for guest artists to come in and teach skills the group members are most interested in (e.g. pottery, stained glass, painting, etc.)!

Our classes are $10/two hours of class OR you can volunteer for us for one hour a week for a free class.

We have a couple of special classes lined up, we offer a discounted price to these classes, but PLEASE do not take these spots if you are not in the group.

If you’d like to volunteer instead of paying, just use the discount code : volunteer


Tentative Schedule

January 11th and the 18th - Working with Clay (ceramics)

January 25, Visit with our Croatian friends via the internet

February 1 and 8. Papermaking. And maybe some carving with Bernie on the 8th. Be on the lookout for things to use for paper making. Christmas card envelopes?? Nothing too shiny or slick. Tissue paper, dryer lint.

February 15- Dutch Pour.

We are SO grateful to receive funding from the Marillac Mission Fund for this program.

We are able to offer gas vouchers or public transit vouchers for friends that would not be able to attend due to transit limitations - please email us here for help in transit to this class.

This fund is also allowing us to take 4 field trips to other art locations. Also we will be able to hire a few visiting instructors, and also we were able to hire an assistant for this class.


The group WILL NOT MEET on the following Thursdays